Hello and welcome to another company spotlight week. This week I will feature projects used with Neat and Tangled products. I’m a big fan of not only their charming style , but the owner as well. Danielle is a class act. I’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with her at craft retreats and to run the Little Tangles Challenge Blog. Great products. Great people. You can learn more about Neat and Tangled HERE.
For today’s project…
I wanted to create some quick and easy note cards that I can use with the Elf on the Shelf. My little guy is four and isn’t quite ready for this yet. However, I’m determined to be prepared for next year. I stamped the adorable elf image from THIS set on to several sheets of THIS cardstock. Using my MISTI made the process super easy.
After stamping the image, I quickly colored in the images using THESE markers. I used THIS T-ruler and drew a black line for the elf to “sit” on and give me some definition on where to write.
These note cards are quick to make and great to have on hand for planning Elf on the Shelf ideas.
I’ve been having fun searching on Pinterest to find some fun Elf note ideas. Do you have any favorites? I’d love to hear them! Leave a comment below to be entered to win a great prize that I will reveal at the END of this company spotlight week. I will be choosing one winner from all the comments left on all of the posts this week. I will announce a winner next Monday, December 5th.
Thanks for joining me today. I’ll be back with another project for Day Two tomorrow. Oh, and if you want to see some previous company spotlights…
You can find Simon Says Stamp HERE
You can find Lawn Fawn HERE
You can find Hero Arts HERE
December 3, 2016
I ADOREEE elfs! They are so cute!! This is an amazing card!
December 1, 2016
Your ideas are always so original and refreshing! Keep up the great work!
December 1, 2016
Never had an Elf on the Shelf growing up. Now I do and move it around for my husband to find! This Elfs on Their Shelf set is adorable and what fun Boy and Girl elves… I sense Elf notes in the future for friends. A scavenger hunt is a great idea.
December 1, 2016
Cute idea for children who have the elf on a shelf.
November 30, 2016
That is adorable and cute idea, Heather! Love the elf 🙂
November 30, 2016
What a super sweet idea! Your little boy is going to have a lot of fun with these next year. I love this little elf set, so cute :). I don't have any little ones to do elf on the shelf with sadly but lots of my friends do this with their children and they have a ball!
November 30, 2016
What a great idea. That's the cutest elf on the shelf ever! I don't have any elf ideas, sorry.
November 29, 2016
Fun idea! I wasn't aware of Elf on the Shelf when my boys were younger, but I've seen so many cute ideas!
November 29, 2016
This a great idea! No elf on the shelf at our house, but I am going to make a few of these for my sisters, their kids will love them!
November 29, 2016
This is such a cute idea!! Love your little note cards!
I don't have much for ideas, as in I'm always looking for some too! lol Though, my husband and I will always hide little gifts in our Christmas tree for our kids to find. 🙂
November 29, 2016
This is an adorable idea, Heather. All my kids are grown and gone long before the Elf on the Shelf idea ever came about. But I have two new grandbabies (twins) born in October. They are too little this year to understand but I am keeping this idea for the future. Thanks for the inspiration.
November 29, 2016
Love your fun note cards! I don't have any little ones around so I am not very 'up' on the Elf on a Shelf stuff! However, I did google for some elf note ideas, and the cutest thing I found was a set of mini notes to print and mini envelopes to put the notes in! Really cute!
November 28, 2016
These are really cute but honestly we do not do Elf on the Shelf in our house. Sure looks like fun though.
November 28, 2016
How cool is this and a great way to personalize those Elf on the Shelf notes!
I don't have Elf on the Shelf in my house, but I've always gotten a kick out of reading other ideas. One idea that I saw was a doctor's note diagnosing the elf with "reindeer flu" and prescribing reindeer flu pills (tic tacs) along with rest for three days.
November 28, 2016
Too cute! I liked to make a racetrack on the floor using painters tape and then spread out my boys' matchbox cars, like the elf was racing them!