Hi there. This is the last week of the Share Handmade Kindness Challenge and it’s all about spreading kindness to strangers. I’m sharing five ideas today…
1. Movie Night
I went to a few local Redbox movie rental machines and taped some popcorn bags to them with a little note…
2. Beautiful Notes
I created some simple notes using THIS die and taped them to dressing room mirrors…
I don’t know about you but I could use this encouragement in the dressing room! 🙂
3. Coloring Fun
I picked up a bunch of coloring books and crayons that I plan on placing in the waiting areas of a local children’s hospital. Hospitals can be scary for little ones and I thought these would keep their mind’s occupied…
4. Enjoy the Little Things
This is another idea for kids. My little guy LOVES to go to the mall just to run around. I thought it would be fun to leave quarters on all the rides…
That machine station in the background of the photo would be a great place to leave random quarters as well!
5. Care Packages
I created several of these care packages for the Ronald McDonald House.
Whenever I travel, I never use the shampoo, conditioner or soaps that are in the hotel rooms because I pack my own. However, I do save them and collect them to put in these care packages.
I hope this inspires you to share kindness with strangers. Be the reason someone smiles today. 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by.
November 28, 2015
These was awesome ideas to spread the kindness around! If everyone whom looked at these would do two or three them selves this would really be a really huge spread the kindness campaign. Jennifer McGuire started a very great kindness campaign & has others following in their own way & in turn some of us regular everyday folks are going to do kind things as well!
November 28, 2015
Really awesome ideas, thanks for sharing.
November 28, 2015
Thanks for all these creative ideas!
November 28, 2015
You are so sweet and your acts of kindness show this.
November 28, 2015
I love the "Beautiful Notes" idea! Thank you for sharing (your kindness and these ideas)
November 28, 2015
What a wonder caring person you are! I hope there's many more like you out in the world
November 28, 2015
What a wonder caring person you are! I hope there's many more like you out in the world
November 27, 2015
These are all amazing, Heather! The one that touched me the most was the coloring books with crayons as I remember some scary times as a child. Thanks, Paulette S.
craftqueen417 at yahoo
http://paulettesprettypapercrafts dot wordpress dot com
November 27, 2015
such awesome, thoughtful, and kind ideas!
November 27, 2015
Such great ideas!! ♥
November 27, 2015
LOOOOooooooove the popcorn idea!!!
November 27, 2015
Very nice and thoughtful. I love the ideas!!
November 27, 2015
Wonderful ideas…you are a special person!
November 27, 2015
Wonderful ideas…you are a special person!
November 27, 2015
What a fun thing to do. I bet you made lots of people happy. So kind.