Hi there! Today I have another Quick Crafty Tip to share. (If you’re new to my blog, click HERE to see previous crafty tips.)
Recently, I lost one of my dies from THIS set. I’ve looked everywhere. My husband came into my craft room to find me frustrated and under my desk searching for the tiny heart die. He helped me look for it with no luck. Fast forward a couple of days and he came home with one of THESE…
I politely said thanks and then asked, “What’s this for?”. He said he uses them in his garage to hold parts while working on projects and thought I could use it to keep my dies in a safe place when I’m die-cutting, since it’s magnetic. Genius. So really this quick crafty tip comes from my hubby. Thanks hon!
I decided to use it for awhile to see if I liked it before I shared it here and it has worked great! I throw my die in the holder when I’m done die-cutting, so it stays secure until it’s time to clean up. I’ve tried magnetic sheets before but I prefer the bowl shape of this…
So the girly girl in me wanted to not only make is functional, but pretty. I found a bowl on clearance at Target for $1.50 and it fits it like a glove! …
I hope this gives you a solution to keep your dies safe from disappearing. Dies can be pricey and are an investment. Here’s to not losing anymore!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
June 28, 2015
My sister was just here for a visit. She doesn't come very often so it makes me super happy.
June 28, 2015
Neat idea! Your idea (or rather husband's idea :o)) will definitely be added to my wish list.
June 28, 2015
What a great tip!! I'll tell you two positive things: My daughter is expecting grand baby #2, a girl. My sister is coming to visit. She has never done that!!
June 27, 2015
That is awesome. What a great husband you have, to be so thoughtful. Thanks so much for sharing this tip! Thank your husband too.. Thanks for sharing.
June 27, 2015
What a great idea !!! I got to spend some time in my craft room today!!!
June 27, 2015
What a great idea!!! My positive is even through it raining like crazy here my husband took me to my favorite paper crafting store and helped me shop then bought the car around so I wouldn't get wet!! Sometimes life is so good!!
June 27, 2015
Your hubby rocks…thinking of you like that. The support our hubs gives us gals is needed in our crafty world. I too, lost a teeny tiny stamp one time. Looked all over for it. In waste paper basket. On table, under table. On chair. In supplies. Found it….".in my bedroom slipper.
June 27, 2015
I to had lost a small die and couldn't find it. I had actually moved my whole room around and I finally did find it. My positive is that it finally has quit raining and the sun is shining.
June 27, 2015
What a terrific idea! Thanks so much for sharing. I've got one of those stores right up the street. Whoo hooo!
June 27, 2015
Smart guy!
June 27, 2015
That's a fabulous idea! The positivity here is some rain, at last.
June 27, 2015
What a great idea, Heather! My positive thing is that after a long hard winter here in Maine, I finally got my camper opened up to start enoying the nice weather!
June 27, 2015
I love that you found a pretty bowl for it! Something positive going on in my life is that my daughter starts her first music class. She's 14 months and I'm excited for her to be able to learn and play with other little babies.
June 26, 2015
I NEED one of these in my life! Hardware store? What's it called?
June 26, 2015
That's awesome! So where do we get one of these gems?